Journal Article
Different Pattern of presentation of pigment dispersion syndrome among Bangladeshi population



Purpose: To report the clinical findings and characteristics of pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS) in
Bangladeshi population.
Method: PDS suspects with any one of the following signs: corneal endothelial pigmentation, iris trans
illumination defects (ITDs), pigment granule dusting on anterior iris surface, posterior iris bowing,
trabecular meshwork (TM) pigmentation and lenticular or zonular pigmentation were evaluated for
PDS at the Glaucoma specialty clinic at Chittagong Eye Infirmary and Training Complex. Diagnosis
of PDS required at least two of the following signs: Krukenberg spindle, moderate-to-heavy TM
pigmentation, and any degree of lenticular and/or zonular pigmentation.
Result: Thirty-six patients (24 males and 12 females) were identified as having PDS during a 1-year
period, with a mean age of 35.5±7.0 years (range, 22–49). All but two eyes from two patients had
myopia of 0.5 D or greater, with the mean spherical equivalent power of 5.20±5.80 D (range,
24.75±0.5). The average IOP at initial diagnosis was 33.7±10.5 mm Hg (range, 16–56). Thirty patients
(83.3%) were found to have pigmentery glaucoma at their initial diagnosis. All patients showed
homogenous increased TM pigmentation as well as lenticular and/or zonular pigmentation. 61.1% of
patients had Krukenberg spindle. None of the patients exhibited spoke-like mid-peripheral
transillumination defect except for trace-isolated transillumination in both eyes of the two patients.
Conclusion: The most common clinical findings in Bangladeshi PDS patients include corneal pigment
granules, homogeneous TM pigmentation and pigment granule dusting on lens zonules and/or
posterior peripheral lens surface. Transillumination defects are uncommon in Bangladeshi patients
with PDS

Published In:

Ophthalmology Journal

(Volume: 50, Issue : 2)

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Journal of ophthalmological Society of Bangladesh


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